Products to increase strength in men

Useful products for male potency

A man’s ability to have high quality sexual intercourse, including for a reproductive purpose, is an important physical and psychological component of a complementary life. Various negative factors (prolonged stress, some chronic diseases, poor environment, alcohol abuse, prolonged drug use, etc. ) can significantly reduce sexual performance. There are products for increasing strength in men, replenishing the lack of certain substances (nutrients) in the body, regulating the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary apparatus.

Proper nutrition for men

Erectile function depends largely on how well a man eats. So in a deeply personal sphere there are no problems, it is necessary to remove from the diet unwanted, unhealthy foods that contain heavy cholesterol, chemical additives and add to it foods that are beneficial to male potency, increasedesire, increase the quality of sexual intercourse.

What is undesirable in the menu?

Power is reduced by:

  1. Semi-finished products,Fast food. . . Almost all so-called "fast" foods (this group includes crackers, chips, chips, snacks, hamburgers, etc. ) are produced using trans fats, which thicken the blood, lead to hormonal disruption, weight gain, cholesterol. As a result, sexual desire decreases, erectile dysfunction appears.
  2. Smoked meat. . . The composition of liquid vapors and fumes contains toxins that worsen the condition of the testicles, slowing down the synthesis of the essential male hormone - testosterone.
  3. Baking. . . Sugar and yeast, which are part of the bakery products, inhibit the synthesis of male hormones.
  4. CONFECTIONERY. . . Sweet foods often lead to overweight, diabetes and destruction of nerve fibers. The resulting fatty layer promotes the conversion of testosterone into the female sex hormone.
  5. Some kindsvegetable oils. . . Flaxseed oil, corn, soybeans inhibit sperm development.
  6. egg(except quail). It is not recommended to eat more than 1 egg within 2 days in order to avoid decreasing fertility.
  7. BEER. . . Drinking has an extremely harmful effect on male libido due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition of female sex hormones. Their activity leads to a malfunction of hormonal balance. With regular use of beer in a man, a fatty layer is formed in the abdomen, his chest grows, andropause begins faster.
  8. Coffeeas well as beverages containing caffeine. The natural stimulant significantly lowers the level of the male hormone testosterone while increasing the level of the female sex hormones.
  9. Sweet carbonated drinks. . . They contain all kinds of dyes, harmful chemical additives, a considerable dose of sugar, which do not best affect sexual desire, slow down sperm motor activity and testosterone production.

To prevent the occurrence of problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system, such as blockage of blood vessels, impaired blood circulation, it is necessary to eliminate or minimize the number of foods high in heavy cholesterol from the diet (fatty varieties of beef, pork, cheese, sausage, butter, liver potatoes). . .

Information: The World Health Organization (WHO) advises you to reduce the amount of trans fats consumed by 1% of the number of calories ingested with food in 1 day.

Which foods increase strength

In addition to removing men junk food from the menu, it is important to add products to it that improve men’s strength. Those that contain vitamins E, A, group B, easily soluble proteins, micro- and macronutrients are ideal. Ata:

  • activate the phase of formation of male hormones;
  • promote better movement of nerve impulses along the fibers;
  • will be able to increase power.

Which products meet the above requirements?

Seafood to increase strength

Experts say the most effective answer to the question: what should be eaten in order for the sexual organ to stay in men properly is: seafood. This is due to the high content of zinc in them - the main ingredient needed to maintain a man's health "for his own good". Thanks to this mineral, in the body:

  • testosterone is synthesized;
  • the risk of its breakdown is reduced;
  • transformation of male hormone into female sex hormones - estrogens are prevented.

Lack of an element leads to a weakening of sexual desire, a decrease in vital activity.

Seafood in a man's diet increases strength

Seafood includes:

  • seaweed(including seaweed);
  • shellfish- mussels, oysters (both invertebrates are a powerful aphrodisiac that stimulates blood circulation, prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse, increases the amount of sperm, increases libido due to dopamine, which is part of the substance);
  • cephalopods- octopuses, squid;
  • crustaceans- shrimp, lobster, shrimp, crab.

Shellfish are best caught in the spring. They are eaten raw, using lemon as a sprinkling. Other very effective products that increase erection are shark meat, glass meat.

Important! Shellfish should not be abused, especially for men with diabetes, gastritis - this threatens catarrh of the stomach and intestines, oversaturation of the body with mercury.

Fish as a product for male power

Fish contains phosphorus, iodine, due to which sperm formation and sexual desire increase. In terms of improving men’s health, sea fish is better than river fish - it has a considerable list of various beneficial minerals and vitamins.

The healthiest fish for men:

  1. radiative. . . The protein included in its composition is well absorbed. In addition, it is rich in zinc, vitamins E, A, group B. They are eaten boiled, stewed, boiled. Frying this type of fish is not recommended.
  2. Mackerel. . . They eat boiled-in this form, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which participate in the synthesis of male hormones, are stored in it.

In addition to these types of fish, it is advisable to add tuna, salmon, halibut, sardines to the menu.

We increase strength with quail eggs

Quail eggs help increase strength because the "good" cholesterol contained in yolks is a building block in cortisol and testosterone molecules. Its presence in the blood does not provoke arteriosclerosis, because it is leveled by a strong cell regenerator, an antioxidant - lecithin.

Yellow contains amino acids, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, E, D, B1, B2, zinc, potassium, carotenoids, which have a positive effect on the activity of the genitourinary system. Regular intake of quail eggs in food reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. This, in turn:

  • minimizes the risk of erectile dysfunction;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • affects the increase of lust.

Egg white is absorbed almost completely, so an adult male can eat some quail eggs a day. They are eaten raw, boiled and an herb omelette is prepared.

Tip: it is more effective to eat scrambled eggs bought from private traders.

Meat to save male lust

In meat and meat products there is a significant portion of amino acids, proteins, which play an important role in the formation of muscle tissue, maintaining the balance of male sex hormones. Meat has a great energy value, when eaten, the body begins to intensively produce the "body and mind hormone" - thyroxine, which stimulates sexual arousal.

The best options for maintaining alertness are known:

  • lean red meat (horse meat, beef);
  • dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey, quail, pheasant);
  • Exotic meat products (ram, bull testicles).

Meat products are prepared in the oven, grilled or steamed. Vegetables and herbs are added as a side dish.

Reference: in rabbit meat, protein content exceeds chicken by 21%, meat is digested by 90% (for comparison: beef digested by 60%).

Nutrition for men's health

Walnuts - although heavy on the stomach, they are very effective products for a high quality collection. Therefore, it is permissible to eat them every day, however, no more than 1 handful. Fruits are rich in zinc, magnesium, amino acids, vitamin E, group B. The greatest benefits are obtained from pine nuts.

Walnuts are an effective product for increasing strength in men

There are various recipes for using nuts to increase strength. They can be eaten separately, mixed with honey, adding bananas, carrots, apples, dried fruits, etc. Nutmeg should be used as a spice, added to various dishes, or diluted with water and drunk. You can consume no more than 1/3 teaspoon per day.

Dairy products - effective food for good potency

Dairy products (in addition to milk, this includes sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) contain a whole range of different vitamins. Ajo:

  • promotes better sperm formation;
  • normalizes reproductive function;
  • prolongs sexual intercourse.

A great tool that can make sex last longer and better is mare's milk - kumis.

Careful! Kumis is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal tract pathology.

Products for strength in men with fast action

Are there products that increase strength in men instantly?

The most effective remedy is the dry stomach of the milling camel. Prepared according to a special recipe and taken shortly before intimacy, the camel stomach has an effect similar to drugs that stimulate erection. Where:

  • enough for the penis to stay up all night is a very small part weighing about 2 - 3 g;
  • the action comes quickly;
  • a natural product is absolutely harmless.

The only drawback of the tool is its lack.

Other visible products for male strength:

  • alcoholic tincture of garlic;
  • ginger filled with vodka;
  • parsley vodka tincture;
  • horseradish root, ginger root and honey in moonlight (horseradish).

These tinctures are especially recommended for people over 50 years old. The products intensify blood circulation, activate the activity of the sex glands and increase strength.

Recommendation: due to the fact that plants grown in greenhouse conditions may contain a significant amount of nitrates, it is advisable to freeze the parsley in the refrigerator before use.

Beekeeping products to increase power

Honey and bee bread regulate testosterone production in a male body and increase strength.

It can be said with certainty: honey, bee bread are very effective products for men's health. They contain a significant amount of protein, fructose, glucose, bioactive ingredients that regulate:

  • testosterone production;
  • normalization of hematopoiesis;
  • overload in the penis.

Honey is eaten with nuts, used in the form of an additive in various cereals, and honey cocktails are made from it. Perga is taken 1 time a day, in the morning, 1 tbsp. lme stomach empty.

Information: apiproducts are contraindicated in the presence of malignant neoplasms, Graves' disease.

Which vegetables and fruits increase strength in men

Vegetables and fruits are essential products for increasing strength. Most of them can be safely bought in a store or market. Impotence gives way to vegetables rich in zinc, carotene, vitamin C, group B and a powerful antioxidant lycopene. This includes:

  • turnips (boiled, steamed, boiled from seeds);
  • dried garlic (fresh, on the contrary, is able to reduce testosterone synthesis);
  • onions;
  • cauliflower and cauliflower, broccoli;
  • white root (daikon);
  • ginger root;
  • boiled tomatoes;
  • red pepper, which contains beneficial beta-carotene;
  • planting carrots, etc.

When consumed in a raw, boiled, boiled form, the male strength will become stronger, the hormonal background will stabilize and the attraction will reappear.

A variety of vegetables and fruits that can increase a man's strength

The genitourinary system will function without interruption when you eat fruits that contain folic acid, vitamins, including fat-soluble vitamin retinol. Ajo:

  • orange, yellow citrus (orange, lemon);
  • grapes, including grape juice, due to the significant amount of magnesium in it, which helps in the fight against male infertility;
  • pomegranate, watermelon, vasodilators that speed up blood circulation, both are powerful prophylactic agents for prostate cancer;
  • bananas to increase fertility;
  • dried dates that increase the duration of sexual intercourse, etc.

Some types of berries (goji, sea buckthorn, cranberry, cranberry, strawberry, raspberry), spices, parsley, celery are also good food for potency.

This is interesting: vitamin retinol will be better absorbed if the fruit is chopped and seasoned with heavy cream.

An increase in power with the help of some food products is quite real. But just feeding a man with them is not enough: no diet or menu correction will help if a person abuses alcohol, smokes, does not lead a healthy lifestyle. The approach to the problem should be comprehensive, and then everything will work out.