If you know what affects potency in a man, you can increase it with folk remedies or take medications for the same purpose that help increase sexual function. The weakening or complete absence of erection is often caused not only by physiological problems, but also by the emotional state of the body. Bad habits, diet and taking certain medications can also lead to this problem. In case of small deviations, natural methods help to increase weak power. When the cause is more serious, special medications are required.
What is potency in a man?
This term comes from the Latin language and sounds like "potency". Translated, it means "the ability to act. "In men, potency is the ability to have full sexual intercourse. This term also means:
- the ability to have an erection;
- libido;
- duration of sexual intercourse;
- the ability to please a woman.
What affects potency
In some men, the ability to have sexual intercourse suddenly disappears for no good reason, but in reality, a number of factors, physical and psychological, can be hidden behind this. The latter are even more related to potency. An example would be inhibition of sexual function due to an unconscious problem that interferes with normal sexual desires. The general list of reasons for power reduction includes:
- psychological problems;
- Physical health;
- nutritional features;
- bad habits;
- some infections;
- the effect of certain drugs;
- male diseases.
The psychological state of a man
Confidence and life experience are important to a man's vitality. The reasons for the decrease in sexual function can be events from the past, a sensitive blow to a man's pride or low self-esteem. Very often, psychological trauma in childhood is a risk factor for the development of impotence. Moreover, a lot depends not only on the man, but also on his sexual partner. A woman can either raise the bar for her partner or, conversely, lower it.

The psychological state of the stronger sex affects sexual activity in bed. Prolonged stress, depression, neurosis, nervous tension are factors that affect potency - it decreases. The situation worsens if the problem becomes more widespread and there is no qualified assistance from a specialist doctor.
Psychological impotence develops as a result of experiences related to sexual relations. The most common reasons include the following:
- Weak couple relations, frequent fights, conflicts, mistrust;
- Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, fear of failure in bed;
- Fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
- Fear of partner's pregnancy;
- Discrepancy between sexual fantasies and reality;
- Psychological trauma;
- Misbehavior of the partner;
- Childhood violence;
- Improper education etc.
In reality, there are many reasons. When a man cannot have full sexual intercourse, he withdraws even more into himself. In turn, this leads to new problems - depressive syndrome, mental disorders. The treatment of psychogenic dysfunction has its own difficulties, since it is often difficult to find the real cause of the decline in power. Therapy is prescribed by a sex therapist or psychotherapist. It consists of consultations and the use of medications - anti-anxiety pills, anti-depressants, erection stimulants, etc.
A man's physical condition
Men who are not very physically developed have poorer health not only in general, but also in sweating. The reason here is insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which damages tissue nutrition. With low physical activity, the amount of adipose tissue in the body increases. It affects hormonal levels - the production of testosterone decreases, and estrogen, on the contrary, increases. More serious physical causes include injuries:
- pelvis;
- abdominal organs;
- spine.

It has been proven that physical condition directly affects potency. Men who are physically poorly developed often face problems in the intimate sphere. The immediate cause is insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as a result of which tissue nutrition is disrupted and they experience a lack of oxygen.
For your information, physical inactivity – a sedentary lifestyle – provokes excess weight. An increase in the amount of adipose tissue affects the hormonal balance in the body - the concentration of testosterone decreases, the level of estrogen and prolactin increases. Hormonal imbalance negatively affects erectile function.
Serious spinal cord and brain injuries, damage to the pelvis, perineal organs, abdominal cavity and spine can lead to early impotence.
The quality of nutrition affects physical and psychological health. With a lack of useful substances and microelements, depletion and weakening of body functions, including sexual function, occurs. Excess weight, which is caused by the consumption of certain harmful foods, is also a risk factor. Their list includes:
- hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast foods;
- sausages, smoked meat;
- semi-finished products;
- instant noodles;
- products containing soy due to the presence of phytoestrogens;
- baked goods and other dough products;
- canned cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers;
- popcorn;
- broccoli;
- hard cheese;
- liquorice;
- carbonated drinks;
- beer;
- sweets.

All food products that a man consumes can be roughly classified into three categories. The first group is food that has a positive effect on erection, helps increase potency and increases sexual desire. The second group is represented by neutral food that does not affect male strength. The third includes products that have a negative effect.
Bad eating habits – consumption of fast food, pizza, processed food, provoke metabolic disorders and lead to excess weight, which has a harmful effect on the potency and quality of sex.
Along with foods that have a negative effect on sexual performance, there are foods that help increase potency:
- Lean meat and seafood. This is the main source of protein substances that are actively involved in the production of testosterone. In addition, seafood is a natural stimulant and has a tonic property.
- Chicken/quail eggs are 100% digestible in the body. They contain many proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
- Nuts contain organic proteins and tocopherol - components that support the erectile function of the stronger sex.
- Greens, vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins and help improve the immune status and barrier functions of the body. Their consumption is a good prevention of lowered immunity, colds and respiratory diseases.
- Natural honey contains more than 50 biologically active substances that participate in many chemical and biochemical processes in the body.
The described products have a positive effect not only on potency and erection, but also on the functioning of the body as a whole. Coffee seems to be an ambiguous product, so it can be classified in the neutral category. The fact is that moderate consumption has a beneficial effect on erectile function. Excessive caffeine consumption has the opposite effect.
Bad habits
The main causes of health problems today are smoking and drinking alcohol. Because of nicotine and alcohol, men's health is the first to suffer. The first causes problems with blood vessels, including those in the penis. Alcohol can affect hormone levels. According to statistics, problems with potency are more often observed in smokers and alcohol abusers. Drugs that completely destroy the male body have an even more harmful effect.
Nicotine is a substance that causes blood vessels to constrict, which leads to poor circulation. Cigarettes also contain: ammonia, tar, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid and other components that negatively affect organs and systems.
Important: against the background of a long history of smoking in men, blood circulation in the pelvis is interrupted, arterial blood flow to the penis decreases against the background of an erection, vascular atherosclerosis is observed, and testosterone production is significantly reduced. Such changes in the body occur gradually, creating the illusion of harmlessness.
Nicotine has a harmful effect on the characteristics of seminal fluid:
- The qualitative composition of sperm varies;
- The activity and viability of the sperm decreases;
- Many defective sperm appear.
Scientists around the world point to a direct link between power and smoking. It has been proven that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases the risk of organic impotence by 60-70%; the ability of sperm to fertilize eggs is reduced by 50%.
Regular alcohol consumption has a negative impact on sexual activity. According to statistics, a man who drinks alcohol 2-3 times a week at the age of 50-55 risks becoming completely impotent. The destructive effect of alcoholic beverages is as follows:
- Impaired conductivity of the reproductive organ, as a result of which alcohol dysfunction is diagnosed.
- Your testosterone production decreases, as a result, your sexual attraction to the opposite sex decreases.
- Fatty degeneration of the seminiferous tubules, hypertrophy of the testicular parenchyma.
- The structural structure of the sperm changes, the fertilizing ability decreases.
Long-term alcohol abuse leads to impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys, pancreas, endocrine and nervous system. Under the influence of ethanol, the activity of the central nervous system decreases. These negative consequences lead to impotence, which is difficult to treat with drugs.
Erectile function is related to the genitourinary system. The kidneys can reduce the production of sex hormones and disrupt the functioning of the nerve endings in the penis. In addition, there is a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis. Against this background, the man becomes lethargic and sleepy. Infections of the genitourinary system lead to:
- uncontrolled ejaculation;
- loss or reduction of spontaneous erection, which indicates a disruption in the relationship of nerve endings with the brain;
- decrease in the hardness of the penis and no increase in size;
- lack of arousal even with stimulation in the intimate area.
The most common diseases of the genitourinary system that negatively affect a man's sexual health include the following:
- balanoposthitis;
- pyelonephritis;
- chronic prostatitis;
- liver dysfunction;
- kidney injuries;
- vesiculitis;
- urethritis;
- nephrotic syndrome.
Bacterial, viral, protozoal infections have a detrimental effect on potency. Syphilis is characterized by a multidirectional inhibitory effect on erectile function. First of all, a psychological effect is observed - the presence of chancre on the penis or in the genital area. During the pathology, the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted, as a result of which the libido decreases. Against the background of syphilis of the genitourinary system, impotence and male infertility develop.
A long course of chlamydia leads to the formation of cystic neoplasms in the thickness of the penis, a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the sphincter and depression of the prostate gland - atrophic changes are present. All this provokes the development of erectile dysfunction. Gonorrhea affects not only the strength of the erection, but also the libido and fertility. If there is no timely treatment, the pathology turns into a chronic form - the strength cannot be restored.
Fact: HPV or human papillomavirus is an infectious disease that does not affect potency in any way. However, genital warts are a cosmetic defect that significantly reduces the quality of sex due to the psychological discomfort of a man.
Effect of other drugs
Artificially created substances affect potency, and in some cases changing it not for the better. This is especially true for antibiotics, which weaken the body as a whole. The list includes the following drugs:
- Valerian. It has a negative effect only when the dose is exceeded. The reason is that valerian has a calming effect. You should not take it too often, otherwise drowsiness will develop.
- Steroids. These hormonal drugs are designed to build muscle mass in athletes. Some of them contain testosterone, a male hormone. As a result of the replacement, the body begins to produce it in smaller quantities. Hormonal imbalance causes problems with sexual desire.
- Sedative and tricyclic antidepressants. They are used for depression and frequent stress. The sedative effect is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction.
- Calcium channel blockers and beta blockers. They act on the nerve endings, which can lead to impotence disorders.
- H2-histamine receptor blockers. It is often used in the treatment of stomach ulcers. With long-term therapy, changes occur in the exchange of male hormones, which increases the risk of impotence.
- Prostate cancer drugs. They cause a decrease in testosterone, which inhibits potency.
Diseases of men
There are 2 groups of diseases that affect male strength. The first includes diseases directly related to the genitourinary system. Their list includes:
- hyperplasia of the prostate;
- prostatitis;
- vesiculitis;
- orchiepididymitis;
- sexually transmitted diseases.
Potency is also affected by pathologies of other body systems. First on their list are cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and cardiac ischemia. Other diseases affecting male sexual function:
- diabetes;
- obesity;
- hepatitis;
- cancer;
- multiple sclerosis;
- Parkinson's disease;
- spinal cord injury;
- epilepsy;
- neuroses;
- depression;
- anxiety states.
How to increase potency
The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the cause that affects potency. If natural methods cannot cope with the problem, then medications are used. In general, you can increase potency in men in the following ways:
- the use of a vacuum device is a hollow plastic cylinder that increases blood flow to the penis;
- injection of drugs such as Phentolamine, Papaverine, prostaglandin, which increase the blood supply to the genital organ;
- diet review;
- surgical treatment through the installation of implants that provide increased power;
- the use of immediate remedies - creams and ointments.
How to increase potency in men naturally
The simplest power enhancers are natural. They are aimed at strengthening men's health and general health and are light exercises. They help improve blood circulation in the pelvis. They must be performed daily in the following order:
- pelvic rotation – stand shoulder width apart, put your hands on your belt, rotate your pelvis for 5 minutes in each direction;
- get into place with high knees for 2-3 minutes;
- raising the pelvis while lying on the back - 8-10 repetitions of 2-3 approaches;
- perform the "bicycle" exercise for 1-2 minutes.
The foods listed above have a negative impact on sexual function. They should be excluded from the diet. You should eat often and in small portions - up to 4-5 times a day. It is best to prepare food by boiling, boiling, roasting or steaming. The diet is recommended to consist of the following products:
- lean meat and fish;
- legumes;
- dark chocolate;
- raw garlic;
- nuts;
- honey;
- Brewer's yeast;
- celery;
- black bread;
- spinach;
- bananas;
- eggs;
- bran;
- pumpkin seeds;
- parsley.
Taking medications
Some categories of drugs help to increase sexual function in men and improve the health of the body as a whole. The list of such drugs includes:
- Preparations based on sildenafil. One of the folk remedies against impotence. One hour before sexual intercourse, you should take 1 tablet of the product. The downside is a large list of contraindications. The advantage is the quick effect.
- Preparations based on microencapsulated glycine. It is indicated for psychological impotence. The drug has a calming effect on the nervous system. Plus, the product further improves metabolism in brain tissue. Minus - if the cause is not a psychological condition, then the medicine will not help.
- Preparations based on meldonium - a substance similar to vitamin B. The disadvantage is that the drug does not exclusively affect potency. But in general it restores the body - the immune, endocrine, nervous, hormonal and other systems. During treatment, you need to monitor the general condition, and not only the stability of the erection.
Folk remedies
Traditional methods of increasing power have also found widespread use. If the cause of decreased sexual function is not serious and does not require special treatment, then you can use the following recipes:
- Use 3-4 tablespoons per day. honey with 2 crushed spoons. nuts
- Grind 0. 5 kg of fresh horseradish, which is then filled with cold water. Leave the mixture for a week, then add 2-3 tbsp. honey and juice from 3 lemons. Take 1 tbsp. before every meal.
To maintain normal potency and a strong erection, it is recommended to eliminate factors that have a negative impact on male potency. While heredity and genetic disorders are difficult to combat, correctable factors can be successfully corrected. These include smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and infections.
Careful!The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.